the Neighborhood Design Center

Community Landscape Design

Henrietta Lacks Educational Park

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Through the Place Matters program, NDC partnered on the transformation of Ambrose Kenney Park (now Henrietta Lacks Educational Park), turning it from overgrown land to modernized park.

    • NDC worked with neighborhood members, BUILD, reBUILD Johnston Square and the 6th Branch to implement tactical urbanism style interventions to weed, de-pave asphalt, re-paint the basketball courts, and create useable, active gathering spaces

    • NDC’s Community Design Works program worked with community members to design and plant neighboring adopt-a-lots

    • NDC’s support combined with the community implemented changes grabbed the attention of the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks who applied and won a National Recreation and Parks Association Great Urban Parks grant totalling over $700,000 for implementation of the park

    • The total renovation funds secured were near $1.3 million. The park construction was managed by Parks and People Foundation and completed in 2017. Addition of seating areas, native trees and landscaping, bathrooms, play areas, and re-surfaced basketball courts.

    • 230,000 gallons of stormwater captured per year by green infrastructure

    • Approximately $100 million in renovation investments created in the surrounding neighborhood because of the park’s impact on the neighborhood

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