Through the Place Matters program, NDC partnered on the transformation of Ambrose Kenney Park (now Henrietta Lacks Educational Park), turning it from overgrown land to modernized park.
NDC worked with neighborhood members, BUILD, reBUILD Johnston Square and the 6th Branch to implement tactical urbanism style interventions to weed, de-pave asphalt, re-paint the basketball courts, and create useable, active gathering spaces
NDC’s Community Design Works program worked with community members to design and plant neighboring adopt-a-lots
NDC’s support combined with the community implemented changes grabbed the attention of the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks who applied and won a National Recreation and Parks Association Great Urban Parks grant totalling over $700,000 for implementation of the park
The total renovation funds secured were near $1.3 million. The park construction was managed by Parks and People Foundation and completed in 2017. Addition of seating areas, native trees and landscaping, bathrooms, play areas, and re-surfaced basketball courts.
230,000 gallons of stormwater captured per year by green infrastructure
Approximately $100 million in renovation investments created in the surrounding neighborhood because of the park’s impact on the neighborhood