the Neighborhood Design Center


June 10, 2024

Nature Sacred Project is Under Way

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Before constuction.
Before constuction.

We are under construction! It is always exciting for us to see the community’s hard work become a reality.

In partnership with the ReBuild Johnston Square Neighborhood Organization (RJSNO) and Nature Sacred, NDC is designing a meditative garden for the Johnston Square community. This project, funded by Nature Sacred’s Neighborhood Nature Grant, is a significant step towards realizing the larger Johnston Square Vision Plan, which aims to create a vibrant public realm.

We successfully concluded the project’s community engagement phase. The first engagement event took place at the 2023 Fall Festival in October, where RJSNO invited NDC to set up a table.

We then presented concept designs at Johnston Square’s monthly community meeting. The designs were inspired by the feedback received during the Fall Festival. Attendees had the opportunity to comment, ask questions, and identify their favorite concept elements.

We’ll hold a volunteer perennial planting event in the fall after construction.