the Neighborhood Design Center


October 27, 2020

Milestone: We're about to plant our 50,000th Tree!

The Right Tree, Right Place Program (RTRP) in Prince George’s county is committed to healing and expanding our tree canopy.

By identifying high-risk trees, mitigating the risks that those trees face, and planting a diversity of replacement species we are able to Maryland green.  In the photo above, Nick Maletta, our Forestry team member, works with a high-risk Bradford Pear tree — which are notorious for large branch failures. This particular tree already had some large branch failure from the elements, so the team decided that removing it was the best option. For us, removing a failing trees also means we plant a replacement. 

Planting begins in November and extends out through the winter. Underground utilities, overhead wires, soil quality, sunlight availability, and solar panels are all considered before we begin to plant. In 2019, we were able to plant 7,000 trees throughout the county!

Our 50,000th tree in Prince George’s County is 10 years in the making! With an inventory of over 250,000 street trees, RTRP has made great strides toward a healthy, diverse street tree canopy for the county’s residents. We want to thank the Department Public Works & Transportation for all of their support in this effort!