the Neighborhood Design Center


November 20, 2020

4 Reasons to Give to NDC

4 Reasons to Give to NDC

If you follow our social media, you’ve already seen a post or 10 about Giving Tuesday. You might be wondering, “Why is NDC asking for money?” Well, the most concise answer is, “Because we need it!” As a non-profit organization, we rely on the funds we garner from donations and grants to create spaces for our neighbors to live, work, and play in.

So let’s jump right into it. Let’s talk about why YOU should give to the Neighborhood Design Center.

Our mission hits home

The driving force behind our work is the support we provide to communities in their strides toward developing thriving, healthier, and more vibrant living conditions — one block at a time. The work we do is for you, right at the neighborhood level!

You can trust us

We are transparent and dependable. This past fiscal year, the money you gave was used to facilitate community meetings — the birthplace of many of our projects. Another portion was used for conceptual design of greenspaces.

The funds you share give communities access to the best equipped team members we have to offer. Afterall, our projects are high quality! 99% of the people we have worked with have said they would work with us again. And other than the 86.5% of funds we use to pay our personnel and consultants, we don’t spend on much else. Don’t believe us? Check the budget!

Giving makes you feel good

Generosity boosts dopamine! This has been a rough year for all of us. With winter on its way, how about a mood boost by using December 1st til the year’s end as an opportunity to give to your favorite neighborhood organization? (It’s us, we’re your favorite.)

We are conduits of change

The fact of the matter is, if you live in Baltimore City or Prince George’s County, we’ve probably worked in your neighborhood. We are conduits — the listeners, connectors, relationship-builders, and planners behind the scenes. The beauty of that role is that our work aggregates overtime via meaningful engagement meant to leverage equitable resources for everyone.

From tree plantings in Langley Park, Prince George’s County to community listening sessions on neighborhood lighting in Baltimore’s Station North Neighborhood, we continue to find innovative ways to connect with our neighbors — even during a pandemic. That’s because we know the change we want to see and we won’t stop til we get there.

Top Reason folks don’t give

Oh, did we give you a bonus? Well we just thought you should know the number 1 reason folks don’t give is because they aren’t being asked! So here is our ask: Would you consider supporting your neighbors in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County by giving to the Neighborhood Design Center? We deal with the built environment which means the impact of your gift will be felt for generations to come. Talk about intrinsic value!

Give here.