the Neighborhood Design Center

Green Infrastructure

Frenchman’s Creek Stormwater Concept Design

What if Green Infrastructure could improve the environment and lives of Frenchman’s Creek Condominiums residents?

This project started with a passionate Frenchman’s Creek Condominium Association (FCCA) member who contacted us about addressing stormwater issues and greening the community. While this resident eventually left the board, her vision was passed to other board members who continued championing the cause.

Existing conditions of residential complex.

The Challenge

The Frenchman’s Creek Condominium community in New Carrollton, MD, faces growing stormwater problems, including flooding, erosion, and property damage. The parking area near Buildings 7607, 7605, 7603, and 7601 is in disrepair, with a failing retaining wall, cracking pavement, and heaving walkways.

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NDC-facilitated community meeting.
NDC-facilitated community meeting.

The Vision

Through green infrastructure, the community is pursuing sustainable solutions like rain gardens, bioswales, and conservation gardening to address stormwater challenges and enhance curb appeal. While the failing retaining wall is outside the scope of the current grant, efforts are focused on mitigating negative impacts of stormwater.

The Services

NDC met with Frenchman’s Creek residents and neighboring communities, sharing green infrastructure strategies and gathering input through surveys and discussions. Site analysis and a concept plan were developed to address areas most impacted by stormwater runoff.

87 tree planting locations noted on our plan to address westward water flow.
87 tree planting locations noted on our plan to address westward water flow.

A Team Effort

The initial analysis and concept plan were funded by a Watershed Assistance Grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust, Chesapeake Bay Program, Maryland Dept of the Environment (MDE), and Maryland Dept. Natural Resources (DNR). A Stormwater Stewardship grant program from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Prince George’s County is furthering the Green Infrastructure Concept Plan by developing and implementing design plans for one of the recommended greater need areas.

Thank you to Rebecca Stack of Design Green, our dedicated stormwater engineer partner for both grants and the leadership and engagement of the FCCA community for bringing the Frenchman’s Creek vision to life!

Thank you to our partners: Frenchman’s Creek Condo Owners Association, Chesapeake Bay Program, Maryland Dept. of the Environment, and the Maryland Dept. Natural Resources

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