the Neighborhood Design Center



March 17, 2021

Signal Station North Lantern Making Workshop

 On Thursday, January 21st, the Signal Community Engagement team gathered together with Futuremakers and Greenmount West Community Center for an intergenerational lantern making workshop. Safa Batniji of Futuremakers, facilitated the session on Zoom and participants followed along at home with art supply kits distributed beforehand. Lantern making supplies included rice paper, foam circles, batteries, and LED lights. Throughout the workshop, participants were enthusiastic to see their neighbors and to catch up over zoom. They helped each other by walking step by step through the assembly process or sharing advice on how to decorate the lanterns with style.

Say Cheese! Uniting to Create Art

 By the end of the 40 minute session, participants transformed these simple materials into unique lanterns. Each left the workshop with a handmade fixture to shine light in their homes or around their neighborhood. After, GWCC shared a special shoutout to one of their beloved seniors, Ms.Bell. “This was her very first time using Zoom and participating in a virtual class. She expressed wanting to improve upon her digital literacy, and this was the perfect opportunity. Awesome job, Ms. Bell!” 

We'll get there Step by Step!

          As Signal Station North moves into its final project stage this spring, the team is looking forward to hosting other creative lighting workshops for youth and families. In March, Signal Program Coordinator and artist Maura Dwyer will host a crankie-making workshop, guiding participants through the creation and performance of their own crankie device and story. In addition, the Signal team will be hosting a variety of adult workshops on topics ranging from installing practical block lighting to advocating for better public lighting in Baltimore neighborhoods.

A Family that Crafts Together!

Thanks again to our community partners at Futuremakers and Greenmount West Community Center. To learn more, head to GWCC’s youtube page to watch a recording of the workshop!

Finished Products!