the Neighborhood Design Center


June 4, 2024

NDC Discusses Placemaking Week on WJZ CBS News

NDC’s Deputy Director Briony Hynson and Tonya Miller from Baltimore City Mayor’s Office promote Placemaking Week — how more than 500 leaders from around the world will meet in Baltimore to champion the transformative power of well-designed, community-driven spaces.

When asked to explain the concept of “Placemaking,” Briony said:

“We think about how a collaborative process can help neighbors, community leaders, stakeholders, and business improvement districts to put their ideas together and come up with improvements to a place that are true to that place, so that teenagers are welcome, seniors can come. It’s about creating places for everyone.”

“Coming through the pandemic, people really refocused on the fact that our public places serve so many functions, that they can help us be healthy and build our social fabric.”

Briony Hynson

Briony also talked about the incredible response to Placemaking Week:

“We had double the number of applicants to speak. We sold out six weeks ago. People want to come to Baltimore. They want to see what’s going on. And they want to talk about these topics and understand how do we make places better for all the people who live here.”