the Neighborhood Design Center



December 18, 2020

Help us Help you. Donate Today!

Last month at a Design for Distancing installation in Park Heights, artist Whitney Frazier and a team of volunteers met Christine Bailey, a Baltimore native who had just so happened to see the team in action as she and her grandson were grabbing lunch.

Christine recounted that her interest instantly piqued in that moment , saying, “Before I walked in, I saw these ladies doing some art on the GROUND, and I thought... this is unique.” She then went on to express how enjoyable her conversation with the team was, even advising other businesses to hire them.

Christine, a professional travel agent with marketing experience, went on to say, “I think all the business owners should be able to take advantage of this just to increase revenue because we need a nice environment for people to want to sit and eat, if they’re going to be outside.”

A pool of color created by Whitney Frazier and volunteers on the sidewalk.

We agree with Christine. People should enjoy the environment where they eat, reside, and play. That is why we do this work. Every plan, design, meeting, and build day is about you! However, to help you, we need you to help us. As a non-profit organization, we rely heavily on your generous donations to complete projects that inspire testimonials such as Christine’s. You don’t have to wait until we are hosting a fundraiser to give. Click here and give today!