the Neighborhood Design Center

Ideas + Insights

July 23, 2024

Tools for Healthy Food Access

The Neighborhood Design Center collaborated with United Healthcare Services (UHC) to support local community projects that increase access to healthy foods.

Through the generous support of UHC and their ‘Empowering Healthcare’ Grant, we provided capacity-building and design services for three key projects:

We discussed healthy food access while enjoying beautiful meal at our Focus Group Dinner hosted at Pimlico Market.
1. We discussed healthy food access while enjoying beautiful meal at our Focus Group Dinner hosted at Pimlico Market.

These projects addressed:

    • Local fresh food production (urban farms, community gardens, etc.)

    • Food distribution (delivery and pickup of free or reduced cost foods)

    • Accessibility in healthy food priority areas (affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food retail)

    • Community resilience

The importance of these dialogues:

The projects also allowed residents to contribute to the dialogue about what culturally appropriate food access looks like in their neighborhoods.

These approaches were identified as important in two key jurisdictions where NDC works (Baltimore City and Prince George’s County) prior to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which only made clearer the urgent need for investment in resilient, local, sustainable food systems.

We also developed three Healthy Food Access Tools — short how-to guides to prompt engagement. View each PDF below. 

Let us know how your community engagement goes. The power is yours!