the Neighborhood Design Center


March 20, 2020

Directors' Letter Regarding COVID-19

To our community design family:

The last week has been extraordinarily challenging in ways none of us could predict.  We are working hard to adapt and be in touch, as we navigate this challenge alongside our community. Supporting community resilience is our mission, now more than ever. The Neighborhood Design Center’s first priority is to protect the health, safety and well-being of our employees, clients and colleagues as well as the continuity of our services. We are actively responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changing recommendations by the federal, state and city authorities for the appropriate measures and actions to take.

We are creating an Organizational Continuity Plan to minimize disruption to our services and processes. Currently, our staff is working remotely, with complete access to all of our files, programs, and remote meeting technology. We are speaking regularly with our project partners via remote conferencing, phone calls, emails, and text messages. We are currently not hosting in-person meetings. We will be sharing creative ways to undertake community building and community engagement in this time of social distancing as we learn and test methods via social media.

Thank you for trusting the Neighborhood Design Center with your projects and partnerships in community building. While we are confident in our ability to keep your important work moving forward, rest assured we will communicate with you should there be a potential impact.

Wishing everyone strength in their communities and good health.


Jennifer Goold and Kristina Williams
Executive Director and President of the Board of Directors