the Neighborhood Design Center



June 26, 2019

2019 Annual Awards and Celebration

On June 21, NDC gathered at Ambrose Kennedy Park, (soon to be renamed the Henrietta Lacks Educational Park), in the Johnston Square community to celebrate NDC’s family of dedicated designers and leaders. We honored the following awardees with this year’s round of NDC Annual Awards:

Larry Reich Award: Lewis Sharpe and Miriam Avins

Prince George’s County Lifetime Achievement Award: Brooke Kidd

Baltimore Community Advocate of the Year: Jennifer Goold

Kelley Oklesson Community Advocate of the Year: Sawa Kamara

Volunteers of the Year, Prince George’s:

Lauren Wilson, Lex Lesley, Shayda Musavi, Kim Young

Volunteer of the Year, Baltimore: Jay Orr

NDC Hall of Fame: Jimmy Leonard

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